
Oman-France Eco-tourism Foray on Course despite Deferment [11 May 2010]  
A workshop on 'green architecture and eco-tourism' will be held in Oman between 15 May and 17 May after becoming one of the many casualties to Iceland's volcanic ashes which disrupted air-travel last  ...More
Tags: Eco-Tourism     Ecology     Oman     France    
Romania to Export Power to Syria and Turkey via Marine Lines [02 Dec 2010]  
The Romanian Ambassador Daunt Florin Sandovici while in Damascus announced that both Romania and Syria were planning to conduct commercial viability study of a marine line in the Black Sea for exporti  ...More
Tags: Romania     Syria     Turkey     Business     Trade    
IN-TIME to Streamline Travel and Logistics across Europe [31 Jan 2011]  
An EU-funded project, the IN-TIME (Intelligent and efficient travel management for European cities) is expected to primarily reduce delivery and distribution costs to firms, and will allow people to f  ...More
Tags: Czech     Romania     Italy     Germany     Norway     Austria