Iran Revives Interest in US Products
[22 Jun 2009]
According to Associated Press analysis, Iran has showed more interest for US goods during the first four months of Obama Administration by doubling its imports from the same period of the previous yea
Tags: Iran US products
Iranian Exports to Ecuador Soar
[12 Aug 2009]
According to the Trade Promotion Organization (TPO) of Iran, the country’s non-oil exports to Ecuador have witnessed remarkable growth during the past four years; from less than $1mn in 2005 they have
Tags: Iran TPO non-oil exports
Russia to Lead Gas Exporters – Reinforces its Position
[10 Dec 2009]
Leonid Bokhanovsky, a board member and the first vice president of the leading engineering-construction company Stroitransgaz of Russia has been chosen as the General Secretary of the Gas Exporting Co
Tags: Russia GECF gas exports Iran India
Iran Sends Team to Scout for More Business in Iraq
[16 Dec 2009]
A trade delegation from Iran headed by the director of the provincial trade organization in Tehran Seyyed Ali Mousavi has arrived in Baghdad to improve trade ties with its Iraqi counterparts. This is
Tags: Iran Iraq business trade non oil exports
EU Members wish to Increase Trade with Iran
[04 May 2010]
An Iranian official claimed most European countries were keen on engaging in trade with Iran devoid of political pressures and other bottlenecks. The likely reason for that opinion would be due to the
Tags: nuclear Iran US Ahmadinejad weapons
China Okays Iran Sanctions – Yet Holds Trade with Impunity
[10 Aug 2010]
The recent sanctions against Iran hammered out by the US and like-minded countries targeting energy and banking sectors have become more blatantly farcical when China resumed oil trade with Iran even
Tags: China Iran Russia Oil Trade Sactions Energy
Iran Attacks US for Colluding with Afghan Narcotic Trade
[29 Dec 2010]
At separate occasions, top Iranian officials lashed out at the US for being part of narcotic trade in Afghanistan in the garb of war on terror. Deputy Head of the Iranian Judiciary Ebrahim Raeesi and
Tags: UN US Iran Drug Trade Narcotic Illegal Trade