China Acts by welcoming More Indian Goods
[21 Jan 2010]
The Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao gave assurance to the visiting Indian Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma that his country would do everything to iron out trade imbalances with India. New Delhi
Tags: China Indian goods China export India
Over 40% of SMEs with websites use the Internet for advertising
[16 Mar 2011]
Indian SMEs are reaping the benefits of using the Internet medium to grow their businesses. This was revealed by a study conducted by Google India to understand usage patterns and importance of online
Tags: Indian SMEs vendors suppliers Google India Insurance Technology B2B IT Hardware Travel & Tourism
India keen to export pharma products to China
[24 Mar 2011]
If the Chinese government cleared hurdles to provide market access, India could start exporting its pharmaceuticals to China in a big way. India made a strong pitch to push it, asserting that a good o
Tags: Indian Drug Manufacturers Association API pharmaceutical industry SFDA
Falling Rupee kills the Vroom of the Indian Auto Industry
[10 Sep 2013]
The gears aren’t kicking in, the pickup is laboured and the ground clearance puts a tractor to shame. No, we aren’t talking about a recently released hatchback, but the Indian automotive industry. Cau
Tags: Falling Rupee Indian Auto Industry