China Set to Become the Largest Exporter
[24 Jul 2009]
The WTO chief economist Patrick Low stated the European economy’s poor performance would make Germany lose its largest exporter tag to China soon. He made such a remark while he was speaking at a two-
Tags: China China export WTO
Developing Nations barring China Joint Hands to Cut Tariff
[03 Dec 2009]
The trade representatives from 22 nations of developing and emerging economies at the sidelines of the three-day WTO ministerial meet have signed an accord to reduce industrial tariffs. According to t
Tags: China WTO MERCOSUR India Mexico Morocco GDP
EU Aims to Tide over WTO Ceiling on Sugar Exports
[22 Jan 2010]
In the wake of repeated requests from International Confederation of European Beet Growers (CIBE) and other sugar agencies of Europe to export surplus sugar, the EU as a ‘matter of urgency’ is plannin
Tags: EU WTO sugar exports CIBE Europe India Brazil
GCC Becomes the Largest Food Importer
[17 Feb 2010]
According to the World Trade Organisation (WTO), the GCC is the biggest importer of food in the world by buying more than 90 percent of its total needs. The GCC’s very high reliance on external food s
Tags: GCC WTO food importer BMI UAE
WTO Could be a Stage to Resolve Google-China Faceoff
[04 Mar 2010]
At the behest of Google, the Obama administration is reviewing the options of complaining to the World Trade Organization (WTO) over the Chinese censorship of Google Inc., the search engine powerhouse
Tags: WTO Google China IAF trade internet
NZ Reveals Game Plan on FTAs and Bilateral Trade Pacts
[02 Jun 2010]
New Zealand Trade Minister Tim Groser's address while laying the groundwork for the FTA talks with Russia has unveiled a strategy that his country would possibly be effecting the early mover advantage
Tags: WTO FTA Trade Commerce Russia