
Kenyan Women Farmers Find Solace in the Burgeoning UK Organic Market [10 Jun 2009]  
According to a recent report by the International Trade Centre (ITC), the export development agency of the WTO and the UN has stated the organic trade to the UK is helping a number of Kenyan farmers a  ...More
Tags: Kenyan women     organic market    
India Womens Bill Tied to Population Control and Economic Growth [10 Mar 2010]  
In economic parlance, any entity’s development and growth is judged by its economic capabilities of maximizing returns and minimizing expenditure. Likewise, the proposed Women's Reservation Bill of In  ...More
Tags: India    economy    women    Lok Sabha    Rajyasabha    
Trade Unions Unite to Halt Unfair Treatment towards Women [25 Nov 2010]  
The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) has decided to mark International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls by planning several programs across the globe. The ITUC  ...More
Tags: ITUC     Women     Violence     Trade     Labour     Workers