Argentina Joins the Visa-free Regime with Russia
[13 Mar 2009]
Argentina has become the sixth country from Latin America to remove visa requirements for Russian citizens to travel to their country. Argentine Foreign Minister Jorge Taiana signed the draft in the p
Tags: argentina latin america russia
The US-SACU Trade Deal Hits Roadblock
[13 May 2009]
The Obama administration has categorically stated that they had no interest to move forward with the free trade negotiations with the five-member Southern African Custom Union (SACU) due to the failur
Tags: Obama administration free trade
Up to $1.5 trillion to be siphoned from Global Stimulus
[23 Jun 2009]
Kroll Global Fraud Report warned that if preventive measures were not taken, a portion of the global economic stimulus package would end up in the hands of fraudsters waiting in wings. The report has
Tags: Global Stimulus anti-corruption
Biomass Power Plants Feared to Create Deserts
[08 Oct 2009]
Hundreds of biomass power plants, those operational and under construction, are exponentially increasing the demand for wood, and are likely to trigger industrialized plantation of trees. A sudden inc
Tags: Biomass Power Plant Latin America natural gas
EU Releases Funds to ASEAN in a Bid to Fight Piracy
[22 Oct 2009]
The European Commission (EC), the executive branch of the EU has provided $6.7mn to the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) to combat the threat of intellectual property (IP) violations in
Tags: EU ASEAN EC election IP FTA India China
Honduran Economy Checkmated by Political Impasse
[26 Oct 2009]
Since showing steady growth at 7 percent in the past few years, one of the most successful growths in the Latin America, Honduras is divided today between ousted President Manuel Zelaya and the interi
Tags: Honduran Economy politics Latin America
Israeli Prez Peres Must Carry Palestinian Answers to Brazil
[09 Nov 2009]
Israeli President Shimon Peres should have answers to the Palestinian issues during his Latin American sojourn if he aspires to strengthen ties with them, particularly, in light of growing opposition
Tags: Brazil Latin America Israel Europe North America
Scotch Whisky Exports Keep the Spirits Up
[11 Dec 2009]
According to the Scotch Whisky Association (SWA) the exports of Scotch whisky reached the positive mark by the end of September despite a poor performance in the first quarter. The association is conf
Tags: Scotch whisky SWA Scotch Whisky Association France
Argentina Sees Remarks by US Envoy as Political Posturing
[18 Dec 2009]
The US Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Arturo Valenzuela’s recent visit to Argentina did not pan out as expected after he quoted the US businessmen had raised investment doubts over
Tags: Argentina US Chile terrorism drug trafficking
USDA Releases Details on Funds for Emerging Markets Program
[21 Dec 2009]
The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced that 91 agricultural trade promotion projects had been allocated $8.2m for the fiscal 2009 to promote overseas market access for the US food and a
Tags: US USDA EMP agricultural products Africa TIRF
Latin American Countries to Begin Single Currency Talks
[25 Jan 2010]
The trade ministers of an alliance of Latin American Countries (ALBA) will meet today to discuss the operational launch of a regional electronic currency. In last April, Venezuelan President Hugo Chav
Tags: Latin America single currency ALBA US
El Nino Impact - Rice Prices to Skyrocket
[03 Feb 2010]
Based on the last month’s report on El Nino by the US Climate Prediction Center, the global rice production as well as other food products will be drastically impacted by the ongoing climatic phenomen
Tags: rice rice production rice market Brazil
Haitians Sceptical about US Re-build Formula
[23 Mar 2010]
Most of Haiti’s population, who are left bereft of their loved ones and homes by the Jan 12 devastation of 7.2 magnitude earthquake is seemed to have woken up to the reality that everything happening
Tags: Haiti earthquake economy USA
Cosmetics Next in Line to Boost Global Halal Trade
[07 Jun 2010]
The recently concluded Beautyworld Middle East 2010, the largest international trade fair for beauty products in the Middle East, is proving that there is huge demand for halal cosmetics as well besid
Tags: Middle East Trade Business Cosmetics
OAS Meet to Heed TI Recommendations
[08 Jun 2010]
The Organization of American States (OAS) in its 40th General Assembly in Lima is understood to have taken into consideration the recommendations by Transparency International (TI) to improve transpar
Tags: OAS TI Lima Inequality Latin America
Serbian Businesses Find Croatian Markets Unwelcome
[18 Jun 2010]
The Serbian businesspeople feel that though their country has opened doors to the Croatian firms and products since 2000, the Serbian companies are still not welcome in Croatia. According to a story a
Tags: Serbia Croatia. Trade Nectar Juice Business
Foul German Cheese Savour Protests from Italian Farmers
[08 Jul 2010]
A multitude of Italian farmers converged on the Austrian border to protest at the importation of tainted cheese from Germany with Italian-sounding brand names. The demonstration was held on account of
Tags: Cheese Mozzarella Milk Coldiretti Italy
Indo-Bhutan Power Trade to Reciprocally Obviate Dearth
[09 Jul 2010]
India's plan to create over $1bn sovereign-backed fund to boost trade and investment for domestic power utilities in South Asia will largely benefit Bhutan to fund its power distribution projects to i
Tags: Bhutan Renewable Power Generation India
Zimbabwe to Buy Small Denominations to Fix Currency Crisis
[20 Jul 2010]
The Finance Minister of Zimbabwe has announced that his country would import small change to stave off worsening currency problems. The day to day lives of the Zimbabweans have become difficult ever s
Tags: Zimbabwe Tendai Biti US Currency Credit
Aviation Industry Lengthens Trajectory in Africa
[09 Aug 2010]
Renewed confidence in the African economic renaissance, most international airlines are on an expansion mode in the African continent to meet the growing demands of a prospective travel and freight ma
Tags: Aviation Africa British Airways Belgian
China Okays Iran Sanctions – Yet Holds Trade with Impunity
[10 Aug 2010]
The recent sanctions against Iran hammered out by the US and like-minded countries targeting energy and banking sectors have become more blatantly farcical when China resumed oil trade with Iran even
Tags: China Iran Russia Oil Trade Sactions Energy
Oil out GM Crops In - In a Bid to Control World
[25 Oct 2010]
A big ticket inter-governmental project on a genetically modified (GM) crop trials are about to begin in five African countries amidst promises of higher yield out of crops grown under below par condi
Tags: Genetically Modified Gene Ethics Crops
Venezuela Safe Narcotic conduit for Terror Networks
[28 Oct 2010]
In a latest report by the CBN News says that narcotic drugs make a nefarious nexus between Venezuela and global Islamic terror outfits. It blames that Venezuela, notably with the blessing of its presi
Tags: Venezuela Narcotic Terror Noriega
Iran Attacks US for Colluding with Afghan Narcotic Trade
[29 Dec 2010]
At separate occasions, top Iranian officials lashed out at the US for being part of narcotic trade in Afghanistan in the garb of war on terror. Deputy Head of the Iranian Judiciary Ebrahim Raeesi and
Tags: UN US Iran Drug Trade Narcotic Illegal Trade
Argentine Farmers Still Unhappy over Hostile Export Policies
[25 Jan 2011]
The farmers’ protest that took place in Argentina last week was called off by the trade unions with a warning of series of strikes in the near future if their demands were not met. The warnings indica
Tags: Food Prices Grain Supplies Argentina Farmers Strike
Hong Kong Tops Globalization Index by Toppling Singapore
[27 Jan 2011]
According to a recent report by Ernst & Young in cooperation with the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), Hong Kong has topped the 60 largest economies in the world in terms of globalization. Singapore
Tags: Hong Kong Ireland Singapore Denmark Globalization
SMEs seek GST implementation, uniform VAT rates
[07 Feb 2011]
IIA an apex body of Micro, small and medium enterprises has sought GST implementation and uniform VAT rates across all states.
Here are the key demands:
Government proposes to introdu
Tags: IIA Empowered Committee SAT Turn over tax Surcharge Additional Surcharge
Trade and Monetary Issues Top Agenda at G-20 Meeting
[16 Feb 2011]
Developed economies still recovering from the financial crisis are looking for ways to regain momentum as the global economy shifts in favor of China and other emerging markets.
That task will
Tags: G-20 Meeting Dominique Strauss-Kahn International Monetary Fund
India, Japan sign FTA for 10 years
[16 Feb 2011]
Japan and India signed Wednesday a bilateral free trade agreement that would abolish duties on more than 90 percent of trade for 10 years.
Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara and Indian Com
Tags: economic cooperation trade and investment Japanese exports
Food prices push 44m into poverty: World Bank
[17 Feb 2011]
Rising food prices have pushed about 44 million people into poverty in developing countries since last June, the World Bank warned.
Food costs are continuing to rise to near 2008 levels, when
Tags: World Bank Food Price Index food inflation anti-poverty
US trade chamber seeks India's retail opening
[21 Feb 2011]
Seeking opening of India's retail sector, the US India Business Council (USIBC) has set up a sub-committee to focus on leveraging the combined resources of the retail supply chain.
The newly fo
Tags: USIBC Compass Marketing Retail modernisation
Japan posts first trade deficit in almost two years
[23 Feb 2011]
Weaker exports to key markets gave Japan its first trade deficit in 22 months, Ministry of Finance data has shown.
The trade deficit was 471.42bn yen ($5.7bn; £3.52bn) in January, with exports
Tags: Itochu Corporation inflation Takahide Kiuchi Nomura Securities
Businesses will learn to look beyond the BRICs
[28 Feb 2011]
During the run-up to the Iraq war Donald Rumsfeld, then America’s defence secretary, famously distinguished between “old” Europe and “new” Europe. In 2011 a growing number of businesspeople will disti
Tags: Goldman Sachs BRICs Rio Tinto GDP
China Reports Unexpected Trade Deficit as Export Growth Cools
[10 Mar 2011]
China reported an unexpected $7.3 billion trade deficit; the nation’s biggest in seven years, in February after a Lunar New Year holiday disrupted exports.
Outbound shipments rose an annual 2.
Tags: Commerce Minister David Cohen Bloomberg Seasonal Distortion
India keen to export pharma products to China
[24 Mar 2011]
If the Chinese government cleared hurdles to provide market access, India could start exporting its pharmaceuticals to China in a big way. India made a strong pitch to push it, asserting that a good o
Tags: Indian Drug Manufacturers Association API pharmaceutical industry SFDA
Business Opportunities in Brazil
[28 Nov 2011]
Brazil remains a hotbed of opportunity for those interesting in doing business internationally.
Brazil is the world’s 11th largest economy. Agriculture and agribusiness have played a key role i
Tags: Business Opportunities Brazil
Why MSMEs should not avoid online advertising
[12 Dec 2011]
A recent study reveals that less than 6 percent of Indian MSMEs with access to personal computers advertise online. It is shocking why the sector is so much unaware of the benefits of using online adv
Tags: MSMEs online advertising
Textile companies seek Rs 12000 crore debt recas
[28 Jul 2012]
KOLKATA: The textile industry will put forward 290 cases involving Rs 12,000 crore of debt restructuring to the department of financial services this week. These 290 cases involve spinning, weaving an
Tags: Textile companies
5 Key Preparation Steps in B2B Link Building Outreach
[11 Feb 2013]
If you have ever been in an environment where sales and customer communication comes at you at a rapid pace (think call center, inside sales, etc) than you understand how important product or solution
Tags: Key Preparation B2B
Five Ways to Target B2B Effectively
[06 May 2013]
Lately there has been talk in the trade press about the difficulty of applying the targeting techniques used for consumer advertising to B2B. One in particular that caught our attention was Al Urbansk
Tags: Target B2B Effectively
Is the World going Anti Free Trade
[12 Aug 2013]
The recent furore about the strife brewing between China and the European Union (EU) concerning the export of cheap Solar Panels by the former to the countries of the EU, the resultant anti-dumping ta
Tags: Anti Free Trade
International Demand for Gold at a Four-year-low
[03 Sep 2013]
Looks like Gold has lost its legendary shine, atleast that’s what global market statistics for the second quarter of 2013 will have you believe. The World Gold Council (WGC) reports that the demand fo
Tags: International Demand for Gold
Diwali Assures a Cracking Time for India Inc
[28 Oct 2013]
It’s that time of the year again, Diwali is finally here. This period also marks as optimistic times for the strained Indian retail and manufacturing sectors. Sectors like automobiles, apparel, consum
Tags: Diwali Cracking Time India
Snippets from the Odisha MSME International Trade Fair
[13 Jan 2014]
Are tradeshows good for your business? Apparently so, if the stupendous success of the Odisha MSME International trade fair is any indication. This trade fair was jointly organised by the Micro, Small
Tags: Snippets Odisha MSME International