
EU Allays Fears of Italian Auto Industry over S-Korean FTA [22 Sep 2009]  
The EU trade commissioner informed Italian industry representatives that the Italian economy would stand to gain from the FTA with South Korea - which is expected to come into effect from July 2010. T  ...More
Tags: EU     FTA     South Korea     Italy    
EU Embarrassed by Report on Exports of Torture Equipment [18 Mar 2010]  
The EU which insists on stringent enforcement of human rights in every trade deal has found itself cornered by the recent jointly released report by Amnesty International and the Omega Research Founda  ...More
Tags: EU    export    Belgium    Cyprus    Italy    Finland    Malta    
Foul German Cheese Savour Protests from Italian Farmers [08 Jul 2010]  
A multitude of Italian farmers converged on the Austrian border to protest at the importation of tainted cheese from Germany with Italian-sounding brand names. The demonstration was held on account of  ...More
Tags: Cheese     Mozzarella     Milk     Coldiretti     Italy    
Emerging Seven to Usurp G7 in a Decade [12 Jan 2011]  
The latest reports by authoritative sources conclude the E7, lead by China and India will be larger than that of the G-7, the world’s largest industrialized markets in 2020. The reports published by P  ...More
Tags: PwC    HSBC    G7    E7    Italy    Austria    
IN-TIME to Streamline Travel and Logistics across Europe [31 Jan 2011]  
An EU-funded project, the IN-TIME (Intelligent and efficient travel management for European cities) is expected to primarily reduce delivery and distribution costs to firms, and will allow people to f  ...More
Tags: Czech     Romania     Italy     Germany     Norway     Austria