Egyptian Lulav Prices Bring Israel and Gaza Closer
[01 Oct 2009]
The tripling of lulav prices by the Egyptian suppliers during the festive season of Sukkot has forced Israel to allow Gazan exporters to supply lulavim (palm fronds) to fulfil its seasonal demand. Suk
Tags: Egypt Israel Gazan Jerusalem
Bahrain MPs Plump for Snapping Ties with Israel
[29 Oct 2009]
Despite strong opposition from the government, the Bahraini lawmakers have passed a bill to totally disconnect with Israel which includes travel and trade. The bill needs clearance by the consultative
Tags: Bahrain Israel FTA US AFP
Israeli Prez Peres Must Carry Palestinian Answers to Brazil
[09 Nov 2009]
Israeli President Shimon Peres should have answers to the Palestinian issues during his Latin American sojourn if he aspires to strengthen ties with them, particularly, in light of growing opposition
Tags: Brazil Latin America Israel Europe North America