The EU Prods Thailand to be Proactive on FTA
[03 Mar 2009]
European Commission Trade Director-General and Chief Negotiator, Philippe Meyer said in Bangkok at the sidelines of ASEAN Business Investment Summit that the EU was keen on inking a free trade deal wi
Tags: european commission bangkok Singapore
Fake Items are on the Rise in the EU – Seizures Double
[13 Jul 2009]
The European Commission in its latest report stated the customs seizures of fake goods have grown by about 125 percent in 2008 from the previous year. It said China maintained its position as the majo
Tags: European commission Cigarettes NAFDAC
Malaysia-EU Timber Trade Deal by Year End
[19 Aug 2009]
The European Union (EU) and Malaysia are planning to conclude the bilateral Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) to promote trade of the legitimately produced and harvested Malaysian timber by end of
Tags: Malaysia Europe EU EC VPA FLEGT
Ethiopia to be the Cynosure of African Trade
[18 Sep 2009]
The multi-million dollar Africa International Trade Centre which is coming up at Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa is expected to transform the country to be the trade hub of the African continent. The
Tags: Ethiopia Africa AEC EU AACCSA AU
Trade is Top Priority to Pakistan Now
[20 Oct 2009]
Reeling under the bogey of growing militancy and terrorism, Pakistan is making a fresh effort to engage with countries which are interested to do business with them. The recent engagements with Cuba,
Tags: FTA LOTTE EU Trade Pakistan KEPCO
EU Releases Funds to ASEAN in a Bid to Fight Piracy
[22 Oct 2009]
The European Commission (EC), the executive branch of the EU has provided $6.7mn to the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) to combat the threat of intellectual property (IP) violations in
Tags: EU ASEAN EC election IP FTA India China
Israeli Prez Peres Must Carry Palestinian Answers to Brazil
[09 Nov 2009]
Israeli President Shimon Peres should have answers to the Palestinian issues during his Latin American sojourn if he aspires to strengthen ties with them, particularly, in light of growing opposition
Tags: Brazil Latin America Israel Europe North America
EAC Exports to be taxed by EU Due to Delay in EPA
[07 Dec 2009]
The European Union has informed the East African Community (EAC) that the failure or delay in signing the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) would lead to taxes on the exports of the EAC-member stat
EU Phyto Sanitary Recognition to Boost Mexican Exports
[15 Dec 2009]
The EU has recognized Mexico’s SENASICA as a regulatory authority of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS). The SENASICA or the National Service for Animal Health, Food Safety, and Agricultural an
Economists Differ on US Economic Recovery
[05 Jan 2010]
Nobel laureates Paul Krugman and Joseph Stiglitz along with economics professor Martin Feldstein of Harvard University sounded the alarm at the annual meeting of the American Economic Association in A
Tags: economy economic recovery Boston US Europe
EU Aims to Tide over WTO Ceiling on Sugar Exports
[22 Jan 2010]
In the wake of repeated requests from International Confederation of European Beet Growers (CIBE) and other sugar agencies of Europe to export surplus sugar, the EU as a ‘matter of urgency’ is plannin
Tags: EU WTO sugar exports CIBE Europe India Brazil
Irish Visa Rules Restrict Potential Tourists
[15 Feb 2010]
The head of the representative body for private bus operators in Ireland has said that the country’s stringent visa requirements from certain countries were not allowing more job creation and perk up
Tags: Irish tourism CTTC EU UK US
Greece Needs Pragmatism not Post mortem
[01 Mar 2010]
Greece, the EU member state, which is experiencing a severe economic crisis, has literally become a thorn in the flesh to the Union. Initial analysis on the ongoing crisis indicate a likely domino eff
Tags: Greece EU economy Germany Olympic games
EU Embarrassed by Report on Exports of Torture Equipment
[18 Mar 2010]
The EU which insists on stringent enforcement of human rights in every trade deal has found itself cornered by the recent jointly released report by Amnesty International and the Omega Research Founda
Tags: EU export Belgium Cyprus Italy Finland Malta
Dubai Realty Firms Squeeze Clients for Mirages
[12 Apr 2010]
Until the global credit crisis rocked the Dubai real estate projects, way back in 2008, people continued to invest in these projects blindly without any logical personal debt management. The fallout –
Tags: Dubai PJSC UAE Deutsche Bank
Greece a Lesson for Blocs Aim to Emulate EU
[09 May 2010]
Greece crisis must be termed as a discouraging event for blocs from Latin America and the Gulf which are essaying to toe the line of the EU to form unions with single currency and similar governance s
Tags: EU Greece economy crisis debt Europe
Greece a Lesson for Blocs Aim to Emulate EU
[09 May 2010]
Greece crisis must be termed as a discouraging event for blocs from Latin America and the Gulf which are essaying to toe the line of the EU to form unions with single currency and similar governance s
Tags: EU Greece economy crisis debt Europe
EU-CARIFORUM EPA Remains a Slow Starter
[14 Sep 2010]
A study claims that the objective of meeting economic growth in the Caribbean region has not been met even after two years of signing the Economic Partnership Agreement between the EU and the Caribbea
German Dioxin-tainted Food Scare Heightens across EU
[08 Jan 2011]
The contaminated eggs with toxic dioxin from Germany are panicking consumers across Europe as they are suspected to have entered the UK food chain. It is understood that 14 tonnes of tainted egg prod
Tags: Germany EU Holland Britain Poultry Processed Food
India keen to export pharma products to China
[24 Mar 2011]
If the Chinese government cleared hurdles to provide market access, India could start exporting its pharmaceuticals to China in a big way. India made a strong pitch to push it, asserting that a good o
Tags: Indian Drug Manufacturers Association API pharmaceutical industry SFDA
China – Europe Focus
[05 Dec 2011]
According to a recent survey amongst almost 600 Chinese exporters, a majority report that shipments to Europe have declined in the past few months due to slower demand as results of the Eurozone debt
Tags: China Europe Focus
Asia braces for weaker exports as Europe stumbles
[15 Jun 2012]
SINGAPORE: After supplying European customers for more than 40 years with neon bright ornamental fish, Shirley Lim is now looking elsewhere for sales.
Lim, whose business in Singapore and Malay
Tags: Asia Europe exports
Eurozone hurtling back into recession- Economists
[17 Aug 2012]
FRANKFURT: The eurozone is hurtling back into recession, economists declared this week after official figures portrayed a shrinking economy. But by some measures, the downturn has been under way for y
Tags: Eurozone recession
European leaders seek Asian support on debt
[05 Nov 2012]
VIENTIANE: Dozens of European and Asian leaders will gather in impoverished Laos on Monday for a major summit set to be dominated by the eurozone debt crisis and growing territorial tensions in the re
Tags: European leaders seek Asian support on debt