Chinese Begin to Fish in the US Housing Market
[26 Feb 2009]
Several Chinese travel companies are embarked on a new mission, taking their Chinese clients for home shopping in the US. Sliding prices of the houses in the US are attracting many cash-rich Chinese i
Tags: chinese US china economic crisis
Iran and Serbia Move towards FTA
[09 Mar 2009]
During a meeting with the Iranian delegation headed by Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki, the Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, Mladjan Dinkic stated that both countries had good and stable bilateral
Tags: economic trade serbian exports
Spain Continues to Be Haunted by Bankruptcy Bogey
[06 Aug 2009]
The Spanish companies and individuals filing bankruptcy or insolvency suits in the first two quarters of 2009 had already overtaken the total number of declarations of the previous year, reported the
Tags: Spain bankruptcy economic crisis
Economists Differ on US Economic Recovery
[05 Jan 2010]
Nobel laureates Paul Krugman and Joseph Stiglitz along with economics professor Martin Feldstein of Harvard University sounded the alarm at the annual meeting of the American Economic Association in A
Tags: economy economic recovery Boston US Europe
S-Korea Plans 2nd Capital City with Incentives to Investors
[05 Jan 2010]
The changed plans for Sejong city, located about 130kms south of Seoul, from administrative township to a science-business one will take off after a nod from the parliament with incentives for all est
Tags: S-Korea PMO FEZ free economic zone Sejong
India, Japan sign FTA for 10 years
[16 Feb 2011]
Japan and India signed Wednesday a bilateral free trade agreement that would abolish duties on more than 90 percent of trade for 10 years.
Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara and Indian Com
Tags: economic cooperation trade and investment Japanese exports
World Bank chief urges new role in Middle East
[24 Mar 2011]
The World Bank is rethinking its role in the Middle East and North Africa to tackle economic and social problems that sparked political unrest. The poverty-fighting institution needs to find some way
Tags: Robert Zoellick World Bank conference IMF neo-liberal economic policies