Argentina Sees Remarks by US Envoy as Political Posturing
[18 Dec 2009]
The US Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Arturo Valenzuela’s recent visit to Argentina did not pan out as expected after he quoted the US businessmen had raised investment doubts over
Tags: Argentina US Chile terrorism drug trafficking
UK Illicit Pharma Exports to Expand If Gov Actions Fail
[09 Mar 2010]
The recent emergency meeting summoned by the UK Health Minister Mike O'Brien with the trade bodies to condemn and act against the parallel drug trade may become a lip service if the government fails t
Tags: UK pharma export NHS drug
Iran Attacks US for Colluding with Afghan Narcotic Trade
[29 Dec 2010]
At separate occasions, top Iranian officials lashed out at the US for being part of narcotic trade in Afghanistan in the garb of war on terror. Deputy Head of the Iranian Judiciary Ebrahim Raeesi and
Tags: UN US Iran Drug Trade Narcotic Illegal Trade
India keen to export pharma products to China
[24 Mar 2011]
If the Chinese government cleared hurdles to provide market access, India could start exporting its pharmaceuticals to China in a big way. India made a strong pitch to push it, asserting that a good o
Tags: Indian Drug Manufacturers Association API pharmaceutical industry SFDA