Saudi Arabian Citizenship for Long-term Expats
[14 Jul 2009]
According to sources, Saudi Arabia is understood to have informed the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the Geneva-based world labour body that it has plans of considering its expats into natur
Tags: Saudi Arabia ILO GCC
Australian SMEs Optimistic – Jobs by Next Quarter
[17 Sep 2009]
A survey indicated Australian small businesses are confident after two strong quarters of business to reach a record high above the peak confidence level of August 2007. The recent survey by Sensis Bu
Tags: Australia SME job
Ethiopia to be the Cynosure of African Trade
[18 Sep 2009]
The multi-million dollar Africa International Trade Centre which is coming up at Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa is expected to transform the country to be the trade hub of the African continent. The
Tags: Ethiopia Africa AEC EU AACCSA AU
Negotiations on Indo–Australian FTA Soon
[29 Sep 2009]
The Indian origin Australian high commissioner during his recent visit to India said the negotiations on the proposed FTA would begin after governments of both the countries examine the feasibility st
Tags: India Australia FTA natural gas
Australia Outperformed Rest of Advanced Nations
[14 Dec 2009]
The Australian Treasurer Wayne Swan claimed that his country continued to outperform most other nations even as the impact of the global economic crisis eroded almost all economies. He made this state
Tags: Australia economy ABS RBA Reserve Bank
ACTA to Play God on Online Activities – Overrides WIPO Role
[20 Apr 2010]
The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) which will be released on Thursday from New Zealand is expected to put tabs on most e-activities on the basis of piracy or copyright infringement. Moreov
Tags: ACTA WIPO online New Zealand Australia Singapore
Saudi Arabia Broadens Business with US on a Grand Scale
[29 Apr 2010]
The ongoing two-day US-Saudi Business Opportunities Forum, a first of its kind, has become a venue for the Saudi kingdom to woo US with investment opportunities worth more than $250bn. A delegation of
Tags: Saudi Arabia business US NUSACC
Australian Opposition Unfurls Trade Map Ahead of Polls
[09 Aug 2010]
The Nationals' leader Warren Truss revealed that a Coalition government at the centre would restore funding to exporters and appoint an ambassador for trade reforms and specialist trade representative
Tags: Australia Warren Truss Labour AUD Trade
Hong Kong Minimum Wage Decision to Influence Many Others
[16 Nov 2010]
Hong Kong’s decision to implement minimum wage is expected to have a domino effect on many resurgent Asian economies as most of them are socialistically inclined democracies. Hong Kong floor wage, whi
Tags: Hong Kong – Wages - Labour – Macau - Trade Union
Competitive Consumable Prices can Enhance Fiji Tourism
[25 Nov 2010]
A consumer group has informed Fiji government that exorbitant prices of tourism products and services were discouraging tourist and transport operators. According to the tourism industry, Fiji is targ
Tags: Fiji Tourism SME New Zealand Australia
Joblessness Stirs Saudization sans Reflecting on Root Cause
[06 Jan 2011]
Saudi Arabias high unemployment rate has once again sparked off an outcry for Saudization after the recent data showed about 43 percent of kingdoms citizens aged between 20 and 24 years were unemploye
Tags: Saudi Arabia Middle East GCC Jobs Gulf Employment
Emerging Seven to Usurp G7 in a Decade
[12 Jan 2011]
The latest reports by authoritative sources conclude the E7, lead by China and India will be larger than that of the G-7, the world’s largest industrialized markets in 2020. The reports published by P
Tags: PwC HSBC G7 E7 Italy Austria
IN-TIME to Streamline Travel and Logistics across Europe
[31 Jan 2011]
An EU-funded project, the IN-TIME (Intelligent and efficient travel management for European cities) is expected to primarily reduce delivery and distribution costs to firms, and will allow people to f
Tags: Czech Romania Italy Germany Norway Austria
Trade and Monetary Issues Top Agenda at G-20 Meeting
[16 Feb 2011]
Developed economies still recovering from the financial crisis are looking for ways to regain momentum as the global economy shifts in favor of China and other emerging markets.
That task will
Tags: G-20 Meeting Dominique Strauss-Kahn International Monetary Fund
Falling Rupee kills the Vroom of the Indian Auto Industry
[10 Sep 2013]
The gears aren’t kicking in, the pickup is laboured and the ground clearance puts a tractor to shame. No, we aren’t talking about a recently released hatchback, but the Indian automotive industry. Cau
Tags: Falling Rupee Indian Auto Industry