
Argentina Joins the Visa-free Regime with Russia [13 Mar 2009]  
Argentina has become the sixth country from Latin America to remove visa requirements for Russian citizens to travel to their country. Argentine Foreign Minister Jorge Taiana signed the draft in the p  ...More
Tags: argentina     latin america     russia    
Argentina Sees Remarks by US Envoy as Political Posturing [18 Dec 2009]  
The US Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Arturo Valenzuela’s recent visit to Argentina did not pan out as expected after he quoted the US businessmen had raised investment doubts over  ...More
Tags: Argentina    US    Chile    terrorism    drug trafficking    
Argentine Farmers Still Unhappy over Hostile Export Policies [25 Jan 2011]  
The farmers’ protest that took place in Argentina last week was called off by the trade unions with a warning of series of strikes in the near future if their demands were not met. The warnings indica  ...More
Tags: Food Prices     Grain Supplies     Argentina     Farmers Strike