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Last Updated:[23-06-2009 05:53:40 EDT] Zoom in Zoom out Back to Tradenews

Up to $1.5 trillion to be siphoned from Global Stimulus

tradenews Kroll Global Fraud Report warned that if preventive measures were not taken, a portion of the global economic stimulus package would end up in the hands of fraudsters waiting in wings. The report has come out with a four-pronged formula for governments to tackle this likely scenario of corruption including transparency in the whole process and regulators to be equipped with budgets that enable them to root out corruption.

Kroll is the world's leading risk consulting company which provides a broad range of investigative, intelligence, financial, security and technology services to help clients reduce risks, solve problems and capitalize on opportunities. The firm in its report has drawn data from Transparency International, the global coalition against corruption to corroborate its findings on global stimulus fund distribution process.

Transparency International has reported that the economic crises had given rise to a new wave of corruption through the current stimulus program. The corruption can raise procurement contract costs by at least 10 percent in a stable economy – an equivalent of $500bn in corrupt gains – but in emergency situations these costs could rise up to as high as 30 percent of the overall cost of the $5 trillion contract. The report comes hot on heels to FBI director Robert Mueller’s call to brace for potential crime wave involving fraud and corruption related to bank bailout money and the economic stimulus package.

Richard Abbey, MD in Kroll’s Financial Investigations practice stated all crimes needed motive, means and opportunity and in the current economic environment, it provided all the three. He further added that the huge pledged sum by governments across the world had lured fraudsters to grab the life-time opportunity to make easy money.

Blake Coppotelli, senior managing director in Kroll’s Business Intelligence and Investigations suggested that the governmental agencies which oversee the distribution of these funds should enforce robust anti-corruption policies or look for independent experts to supplement their efforts. He further clarified by saying that the nature of the projects – large sums of investment coupled with complex procurement processes have created a perfect setting for fraudsters to cash in on.

By Jose Roy

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