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Last Updated:[18-02-2013 00:37:22 EDT] Zoom in Zoom out Back to Tradenews

Small Businesses Shift Content Marketing Focus to “Shareable” Pieces

tradenews According to a recent eMarketer article, small businesses will focus the budget increase on content that is narrative and shareable as opposed to instructional. Research from an Ad-ology study referenced in the article found that small businesses allot an average of 6.9% of marketing budgets to content marketing but intend to increase that amount this year.

A survey from BusinessBolt.com revealed that the main forms of content marketing small business are expected to invest in this year will include articles (55%), social media content (54%), blog posts (53%), and videos (53%). More than half of marketers surveyed indicated that there will be increased emphasis on these forms of content distribution and less focus on tutorials, infographics, and white papers.

According to eMarketer, the cost effectiveness and “human appeal” these methods of content distribution offer are what has marketers willing to increase content marketing budgets. Ad-ology expects marketers to significantly decrease paid advertisements on social media networks and instead increase activity on social media by posting their own published content to build awareness and engage with audiences.

As the eMarketer article indicates, more and more small businesses will increase content marketing budgets and integrate articles, blog posts, social media, and videos into their marketing strategies as it becomes increasingly apparent these methods have a significant impact on audience interaction.

Source : Komarketing Associates

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