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Last Updated:[11-05-2010 02:15:01 EDT] Zoom in Zoom out Back to Tradenews

Oman-France Eco-tourism Foray on Course despite Deferment

tradenews A workshop on 'green architecture and eco-tourism' will be held in Oman between 15 May and 17 May after becoming one of the many casualties to Iceland's volcanic ashes which disrupted air-travel last month. The highly anticipated event to be attended by industry experts and technologists from France and Oman, the hosting country was originally scheduled to be held on 24 April 2010.

The Sultanate of Oman is conducting this workshop to enhance its interest and scientific advancement in the fields of architecture control, eco-tourism and environment protection. In the past few decades, Oman has been able to leapfrog various eco-friendly projects including renewable energy, management of waste, water resources and anti-pollution drive on marine world.

The study meet which is jointly organized by Ministry of Heritage and Culture and French Embassy is expected to promote sustainable development programs with emphasis on green architecture and eco-tourism. Oman industry heads would be primarily interested in technology transfer and other inputs from France to take their green industry to the next level of development.

French Ambassador to the Sultanate Malika Berak is of the opinion that the three-day event will prove to be an opportunity to expand bilateral ties as 10 leading architecture agencies with good number of experts from France have agreed to take part in the workshop. The event will target French and Omani architects, researchers, institutional representatives and officials in charge of sustainable development affairs to put accent on an eco-friendly comprehensive plan for all future developments in possible sectors.

According to sources, Jean Gautier, Director of Architecture at French Ministry of Culture and Communication, will give a presentation on the urban planning project 'Grand Paris'. Besides, the Muscat municipality projects are also likely to be featured at the event to draw expert feedback.

By Jose Roy

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