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Last Updated:[01-04-2013 05:32:35 EDT] Zoom in Zoom out Back to Tradenews

LinkedIn upgrades search functionality-

tradenews LinkedIn has announced an upgrade to its search functionality, meaning users no longer need to search for people, companies, or jobs separately.

A more intelligent algorithm will now return a comprehensive search return page, including content drawn from all previously distinct search areas.

The upgrade also sees the addition of new functionality such as auto-complete, suggested searches, automated alerts, and something called ‘enhanced advanced search’.

These changes are in line with LinkedIn’s attempts to become a content resource, rather than a recruitment site, and also mirror wider trends in the blurring between social and search.

Johnathan Podemsky, product manager at LinkedIn, announced the upgrades via his LinkedIn blog.

He said, “LinkedIn’s search efforts are founded on the ability to take into account who you are, who you know, and what your network is doing to help you find what you’re looking for. And we’ll continue iterating on this with better ways to surface new kinds of content across LinkedIn as well as more personalised results.

“The new smarter search is starting to roll out to members today and will be available to all global members in the coming weeks.”

Source : B2B Marketing

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