Remote Control Motorized Valve Motorised Louvers Rotary Damper Actuator
"Remote Control Motorized Valve Motorised Louvers Rotary Damper Actuator" is listed under
Louver Valve used with actuator, and accept the regulating or transmitting unit signal. It can control the opening of valve automatically and accomplish the regulation mission. It widely used in building material, metallurgy, mine, electric power, environment protection, oil, chemical, light industry and other industrial sector and regulating or controlling the medium flow in pipeline. Louver, multiple spindle type structure, and axle seat adopt assembling structure, easy to maintain. Sealing filler use flexible graphite. Sealing specific pressure can be adjusted. Valve plate jointed by several pieces of rectangle. Thus the medium flow uniformly, and with small on-off torque, operating sensitively, and can regulating or controlling the medium flow in the pipeline.
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Tianjin Freya Automation Technology Co., Ltd