Gamx Electric Control Card for Electric Actuator
"Gamx Electric Control Card for Electric Actuator" is listed under
Technical parameter 1. Input signal: 4-20 mA 2. Output signal: 4-20 mA 3. Direction: standard: 4 mA------valve closed 20 mA-----valve opened control signal: 4 mA------valve opened 20 mA-----valve closed 4. Dead zone: 0-3 Percent 5. Operated automatically 6. Adjustment: 0 Percent to receive 4 mA signal 7. Adjustment: 100 Percent to receive 20 mA signal Product model type 1. BERNARD electric actuator logic control panel/board CI2701,position control board GAMK, Transformer EN, potentiometer board CIPOT1, etc. 2. China electric actuator accessories: Reducer, Motor, Control box, GAMX-T-2001,GAMX-D,GAMX-2004,GAMX-2005,GAMX-2006, GAMX-2007,GAMX-2KGAMX-2KP,GAMX-2010N,GAMX-A,GAMX-B GAMX-C series circuit board, braking board, output board,YF-220A, Power control module, ptentiometer, Cam, etc. 3.GAMX-D,GAMX-2K,GAMX-T-2001,GAMX-T-2004,GAMX-20
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Tianjin Freya Automation Technology Co.,ltd