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Itls International Development

Company Summary:

  • Since 2008
  • +1000 Employees
  • Turnover 150,00,000.00 USD per year
  • 100% turn over from existing products
  • 60 year(s) of Export Experience
  • Limited Company

Additional Contacts:

Export Department
Demi Lai
Email: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Phone: xxx-xxxxxxxxxx
Fax: xxx-xxxxxxxxxx
Website: xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Company Address:

Taipei, Taiwan
Taiwan, 11493
Web Page Link: https://www.toboc.com/aftek.aspx
D&B D-U-N-S Number: 658842265

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About Us

ITLS International Development Co., Ltd has a headquarters in Taiwan and related to one of biggest chemical groups –Nanpao Resin. Via our branch offices in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, Philippines and Australia, we’d be able to remain at your disposalTLS International Development Co., Ltd is a Taiwanese basedcompany founded in 2008.Related to one of biggest chemical groups in Taiwan, our partneris a well-experienced company with expertise in a similar field.ITLS offers a complete solution for all our clients using the mostadvanced technology and concept, delivered in a timely manner.ITLS has continued to expand our branches in multiple countriesworldwide in order to offer localized services accompanied with aglobal perspective.We integrate our services with the co-operation of internationallyrecognized companies from France, Italy, Australia and more; tomaximize value provided to our clients.ITLS has met the needs of globalization in today’s society byintroducing environmentally friendly “Green products" into themarket. Furthermore, ITLS strives to assist all our prospectivepartners in upgrading their solutions to create optimum resultsin the long and short term, for our mutual benefit.

Export Criteria

Principal Export Regions: Asia Pacific
Quality Assurance Accreditation: ISO9001 - 2015
Main Customers: RLA
Preferred Languages: Chinese
Delay of Payment: Immediate
Modes of Payment: Bank Wire Transfer (swift)
Incoterms: Cost, insurance & freight
Minimum Order Amt: Any Amount
Avg. Production time from a Firm Order: 2 weeks
Shipping Port: KAOHSIUNG
Preferred Currencies: US Dollars
Monthly Production Capacity
- in US Dollars: 200000
- in Number of Items: 10
- in Volume: 20000