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8819, Zhanrun Building, Yunfeng Road, Dalang, Longhua New District, Shenzhen ChinaShenzhen, GuangdongChina, 518109Web Page Link: https://www.toboc.com/shenzhenhtfuturecoltd.aspx
The 8 channel DWDM passive MUX and DEMUX modules deliver the benefits of a Dense Wave Division Multiplexer in a fully passive solution. With matching MUX and DEMUX units placed at each end of an optical link, up to 4 data channels can be combined and transmitted over a single-mode fiber trunkThe HT6000-ODU/OMU08 is ideal for increasing the fiber capacity between two sites without the need for installing or leasing additional fibers. The HT6000-ODU/OMU08 may be used as a standalone tabletop device or mounted in 1-unit space of a 19” data rack. It can achieve bi-directional 4 ch data multiplexing and demultiplexing. The complete passive solution requires no power cabling and no configuration it is a true plug and plays solution.
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