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Shenzhen Dayang Special Glass Co.,Ltd

Company Summary:

  • Since 2007
  • 151-200 Employees
  • Turnover 10,00,000.00 USD per year
  • 30% turn over from existing products
  • 10 year(s) of Export Experience
  • Limited Company

Additional Contacts:

Export Department
Email: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Phone: xxx-xxxxxxxxxx
Fax: xxx-xxxxxxxxxx
Website: xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Company Address:

Liuhe Business Building
Shenzhen, Shenzhen
China, 518118
Web Page Link: https://www.toboc.com/shenzhendayangspecialglasscoltd.aspx


Details of Product or Sell Offer

Switchable electric smart film magic glass/ PDLC self adhesive smart glass projection film

"Switchable electric smart film magic glass/ PDLC self adhesive smart glass projection film" is listed under  Building GlassCategory

switchable laminated safety pvb film smart divider pdlc glass sellerDY Intelligent Glass includes a series of glass such as magic switchable glass, automatic shuttle glass, LED glass DY Intelligent Glass is mainly controlled by an special APP which is availble to remote the glass even people is far away from the glass.DY Magic Switchable Glass Change from clear to translucent instantly and uniformly over the entire surface area.A unique technology of MSG allows it to be switched from an ordinary-looking clear glass to a translucent glass for ensuring optimal vision control. All it takes is a simple electrical switch as turning the lights on.Features:Intelligence:It’s first glass to be controlled by APP on mobile phone in the world. The glass changes from clear(opaque) to opaque(clear) at a flick of switch on/off at APP! It makes controlling of building decoration materials at any time any place available!Privacy: MSG turns transparent when power on and frosted power off. All it takes is a simple electrical switch within 1/10 secondsSafety: In case there is any breakage, glass will be firmly adhesive on the pvb in MSG so that there is no spatter glass pieces which make MSG a real safety glassPower Saving: Since MSG turns frost while power off, the space seperated by MSG is well-lighted even no need light-on while it also supplys enough privacy! Environmental:MSG also can resist infrared-ray upto 90 Percent and UV-ray 99 Percent. Furnishings in door can be protected from ageing People can be also protecturer from any skin diseases Sound Isolation:The pvb and film in MSG can resist noise upto 38db which is even better than DGU Energy Isulation: Thermal insualtion can meet grade 2 Inquiry

Product Detail

79.89     USD Per Square Meters
1     Square Meters
3   day(s)
10000   Square Meters Monthly
smart film, smart glass, magic glass
#smartfilm, #smartglass, #magicglass

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