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15161-15171 S. Figueiroa St. Los Angeles, CAUnited States, 90248Web Page Link: https://www.toboc.com/npnutra638626.aspx
NP Nutra offers a High Quality Jabuticaba Juice Powder. Further Jabuticaba products are available upon request.Jabuticaba fruit is readily available in Brazilian markets where they are mainly eaten fresh. Because the fruit begin to ferment 3-4 days after harvest, fresh fruit is rarely available outside of growing areas. Jabuticabas striking colour and delicate flavor impart unique qualities to jams, jellies, ice creams and wines. Jabuticaba makes a refreshing juice drink with a flavour that is compared to grape, blackcurrant, lychee, mangosteen and guava! The fruit is also appreciated for its exotic fragrance.
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