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15161-15171 S. Figueiroa St. Los Angeles, CAUnited States, 90248Web Page Link: https://www.toboc.com/npnutra638626.aspx
NP Nutra offers a High Quality Acerola P.E. 17 Percent Vitamin C and Acerola P.E. 25 Percent Vitamin C. Further products are available upon request. Acerola is well known for it high vitamin C content (up to 4.5 Percent vitamin C per fruit compared to 0.05 Percent found in a peeled orange). When compared to oranges, Acerola also provides double the amount of magnesium, potassium and pantothenic acid. It also is a significant source of vitamin A. Acerolas vitamin C content fluctuates according to season, climate and maturity of the fruit. Most commercially grown Acerola is harvested while it is still green because the fruit loses a substantial amount of vitamin C as it ripens. Acerola also has various mineral salts that can help stressed and tired skin to be remineralized. The proteins present in Acerola possess skin-hydrating properties and support capillary functioning. Currently more clinical research is being conducted on various properties and applications of Acerola.
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