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No.6 Yard ,Jinxing West Road ,Huangcun, Daxing District ,Beijing ChinaBeijing, BeijingChina, 102600Web Page Link: https://www.toboc.com/ningxiazoohancebiotechcoltd.aspx
Characteristics: Clear liquid of yellow to light-brown yellow color.Indications: Cow uterine infection caused by E. coli, staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus.Usage and dosage: In oxytetracycline content, uterine perfusion: single dose: 50-100ml for cow, once every two days for three times.Side effect: Mild stimulation to vaginal mucosa could occur if the dose is multiplied by three to five times. Precaution: Heating to 30 degree`s before use.Withdrawl period: 3 days for milk discarding.Specification: 10 g/100ml.
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