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89 Laoshan Road ,Building 69, Qingdao, Shandong Province, P. R. Chinachina, ChinaChina, 266100Web Page Link: https://www.toboc.com/meditechequipmentcoltdmeditechgroup795701.aspxCompany Registration Number: 125236555
HAND-HELD MULTI-GAS ANALYZERCapnoxi plus AG MEDITECHHandheld EtCO2 monitor Detecting gas: EtCO2, FiCO2, RR,EtN2O, FiN2O, EtAA, FiAA. High Precision.Applied in places like hospitals, clinics, and ambulances etc.Monitoring SpO2, pulse rate, ETCO2 and respiratory rateUpdate 255-hour historical data replay on PC through USBEquip Spo2 and Respiratory Status Analysis Software, comprehensive data analysisSuitable for clinical and emergency circumstanceSpO2, SpO2+CO2 selectable Software FunctionProfessional Data Analysis Software for CO2 MonitoringConnecting the palm monitor to PC through USBStoring Unlimited patient’s dataDisplaying ETCO2,SPO2 Trends TableControlling PC printer, outputting trend graph, trend table reportRecording and storage object’s respiration details in clinical
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