al2o3 price Brown fused alumina abrasives for refractory material
"al2o3 price Brown fused alumina abrasives for refractory material" is listed under
Corundum is bauxite, coke (anthracite), scrap iron as main raw materials, in electric arc furnace high temperature melting nei crystals into, it has high hardness and great toughness, particle xinfengrui, grinding force is powerful, high temperature resistant, the efficiency high characteristic, is the quality of abrasive abrasive materials and advanced refractory materials. Makes with it, apply to the abrasive high-tensil strength high metal, can cut, grinding various general steel, carbon steel, alloy steel, general malleable green steel, hard to wait, also can green steel as senior refractory materials, widely used in steel, chemical and other industries.
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Henan Sicheng Abrasives Tech Co., Ltd,