Electroplated Diamond Cutting Blades & Discs
"Electroplated Diamond Cutting Blades & Discs" is listed under
Diamond cutting disc for cutting and grinding marble, granite, thermosetting plastics, GRP, pre-sintered and pre-fired (green) materials, fiber glass, electro carbons, graphite, soft ferrites, PVC and pc boards, etc.Details:Applications Of Electroplated Diamond Cutting Wheel, Cutting Disc:Cutting and grinding marble, granite, thermosetting plastics, GRP, pre-sintered and pre-fired (green) materials, fiber glass, electro carbons, graphite, soft ferrites, PVC and pc boards, etcMore SuperHard electroplated diamond saw balds are usually be fixed on angle grinders, circular saws and handheld saws for cutting granite or marble, etcAdvantages Of Electroplated Diamond Cutting Disc:* The cutting effect is better than sintered small diamond saw blade and wont cause broken edge* Very sharp cutting performance and generate minimum heat*Continuous rim cutting discs provide smoother cutting on fiberglass, plastic, ceramic tiles*Segmented rim cutting discs are more suitable for cutting marble, granite and abrasive materials* Key hole” and “U” shape slots are common slot types of segmented rim
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Henan More Super Hard Products Co., Ltd