I want to import a product(s) posted by an Exporter on Toboc- how do I search for it?
Toboc.com lists product(s) that match the requirements of interested importers from across the world. As an importer, it’s easy to find out if exporters are promoting specific product(s) that you are looking to purchase. You can search for a specific product(s) (herein, we take the example of 'Rice') by utilising our powerful search feature.
1. Open Toboc.com, on the top navigational panel you can see 'Products' tab.
2. Enter the product name (Eg-Rice) in the Search option (as given in the image) and click on the 'Search' button.
3. The results that are relevant to your search are listed below.
4. Clicking on the ‘One Product per Profile’ option on the left hand side navigation panel will display only one product from individual Exporters.
5. You can utilise the ‘Add to Compare’ option to compare between two Product.
6. You can click on the ‘Get a Quote’ button to request the Exporter for a quote. The following page is displayed before you-
7. Kindly note that, the field ‘Preferred Suppliers from’ allows you to select upto two countries from where you would like to receive trade enquiries from exporter(s) listed under those countries.
8. Complete this form and click on the ‘Submit Now’ button to register your request for a quote. The Exporter will respond back to you, with the required details.
Take me to the product search page