RFID Wristband
"RFID Wristband" is listed under
Safety Products Category
RFID wristband is the extension products of normal ISO card, which is designed for easy carrying by person in swimming pool, construction place, pub, hospital etc. It combines the RFID technology with good looking and practical housings, completely water-proof.
Gonya present several typies of wristbands to fit different customer's demands.
WRA-Wristband ABS: existed popular type, price is affordable.
WRC-Wristband PC: band and case is in seprately, can be changed. Gonya also provide smaller type for children.
WRR-Wristband Rubber: band and case is in seprately, can be changed; flexible type; flat edge protects the user's wrist.
WRS-Wristband Silicon: very flexible and nice to wear; flat edge protects the user's wrist. Gonya also provide smaller type for children.
?ROHS certificated products
• Silk-screen printing with simply logo
• Ink-jet printing or Laser process of Serial Number, UID number
• Chip encoding
• Rings or thread is optional
• Access control
• Swimming pool
• Pub, even management
• Construction site
Chip Encapsulations:
• 125KHz LF Contactless IC: EM4102, EM4100, GK4001; EM4550, EM4069; T5567; Hitag1, Hitag2, Hitag S256
• 13.56MHz HF Contactless IC: NXP Mifare 1K, Mifare 4K, Mifare Utralight, Mifare Desfire 4K, Mifare Plus, ICODE SLI;
Tag-it 2048; Fudan FM11RF08; Mifare 4K compatible
• 868-915MHz UHF IC: Avery, Alien
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Gonya Technology Ltd