Aluminized Steel Pipe
"Aluminized Steel Pipe" is listed under
Exhaust SystemCategory
PRODUCT : Aluminized Automotive Exhaust Steel Pipe for Car Muffler, Exhaust System GI Exhaust is an exporter of ERW welled Aluminized Steel Pipe for automotive exhaust system, mufflers. - Specification for Aluminized Exhaust steel Pipe for Car Muffler -- Outer Diameter (mm): 31.8mm, 38mm, 42.7mm, 45mm, 48.1mm, 50.8mm, 54mm, 60.5mm, 63.5 mm, 76.5mm, 89.1mm.... - Thickness (mm): 1.2T, 1.4T, 1.5T, 1.6T, 2.0T - Length (standard): 5800MM (20FT Container stowed)- Material: SAID (Aluminized Coated Steel Sheet),DQ-Minimum Order : 20 ton per each size ( one 20FT per each size)We are supplying our product with pipe distributors and muffler manufacturers. If you have any inquiries, feel free to contact Peter Choi / General Manager.
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GI Exhaust (Global Industry Co., Ltd)