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301,solitaire building,opp bombay garage shahibaug AhmedabadAhmedabad, GujaratIndia, 380004Web Page Link: https://www.toboc.com/devinternational.aspx
PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF GRANITEHardness 6 to 7 on Mohs ScaleDensity 2.6 to 2.8 Kg/cm3Compressive Strength 140 to 210 N/mm2Modulus of Rupture15 to 25 N/mm2Water Absorption 0.1-0.6 Percent Average WearLess then 1 PercentPorosityQuite low Weather ImpactResistantCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF GRANITESilica (SiO2) 70-75 Percent Al2O310-15 Percent CaO+MgOLess then 0.5 Percent FeO + Fe2O32-4 PercentAlkalies4-6 PercentTiO2Less then 0.5 PercentLoss On Ignition (LOI) Less then 0.5 PercentUses of Granite•Roadstone, building blocks, but has poor resistance to fire as it crumbles when exposed to intense heat.•Traditionally the main use of black granite is in tombst`ones and other monumental items, and to a lesser extent for various types of counters, especially in the financial world, decorative applications, elegant trimmings and luxury floorings.•Stones on bolo cord slides and pendants, paperweights, bookends, lazy susan turntables, etc.
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