CAT 4 LTE 4G Mini PCIE with SIM Card Holder
"CAT 4 LTE 4G Mini PCIE with SIM Card Holder" is listed under
Other - Electronic Components Category
4G with SIM card holder is a wireless module which is designed for the global market. It is a consumptive product It can be designed in many kinds of applications which can work on LTE-FDD/UMTS/GSM/GPS/GLONASS(Optional) network.On LTE-FDD network, 4G with SIM card holder enables connect to the Internet at DL data speed up to 150Mbps and UL data speed up to 50Mbps. In the area where LTE service are not available, 4G with SIM card holder still enables reliable and secure data connect over 3G(UMTS) or 2G(GSM) network.4G with SIM card holder provides SMS, MMS, Phonebook functions as well as high speed access, and also audiofunction. It can be designed in many kinds of applications. Such as Data card, Video monitor, Tablet,Electric-book, MID, Vehicle equipment, etc.General features* EDGE multi-slot class 33 * EGPRS multi-slot class 33 * ECompliant to GSM phase 2/2+* EOutput power: - Class 3 (0.25W) for LTE/UMTS - Class 4 (2 W) for GSM 900 - Class 1 (1 W) for GSM 1800* EControl via AT commands (3GPP TS27.005/3GPP TS27.007 )* ESupply voltage range 3.3V- 4.2V* ELow Power consumption - Sleep mode: 3mA - Power down: 16 & 181A* EDimensions: 51.0& 21530.0& 2154.6mm* EOperation Temperature: -40& 176C to +85& 176C* EMSL : 3Band Configuration* LTE-FDD Band 1/3/5/7/8/20/28* LTE-TDD Band 38/40* UMTS Band 1/5/8* GSM Band 3/8Specifications for GNSS* GPS frequency: 1575.42MHz* At least support 44 channels * Sensitivity - Acquisition: -158dBm - Tracking: -162dBm* TTFF - Cold Start: 28s - Warm Start: 18s - Hot Start: 1sInterfaces* RF connector* PCI Express& 174 Mini Card Interface - Power supply - USB 2.0 high speed - UICC/SIM/UIM card interface 3V, 1.8V - UART - Analog Audio - PCM* Antenna connector* SIM Card HolderSpecifications for data* Support Release 11 Category 4* LTE-FDD up to 150 Mbps DL,50 Mbps UL* LTE-TDD up to 130 Mbps DL,35 Mbps UL* DC-HSPA+ up to 42.2Mbps DL,5.76Mbps UL* EDGE class 33: 296Kbps DL,236.8Kbps UL* GPRS class 33: 107kbps DL,85.6kbps UL* CSD up to 14.4 kbps* Non transparent mode* PBCCH support* PPP-stack* Coding schemes CS 1,2,3,4* FOTA* TCP/IP* NDISSpecifications for SMS* Point-to-point Mo and MT* SMS cell broadcast* Text and PDU modeProtocols*TCP/ UDP/ PPP/ FTP/ HTTP/ HTTPS/SMTP*/ SMTPS*/ MMS/ FTPS*/ NTP/PING/ QMI/ SSL/ NITZ/ CMUX/ MQTT*Additional features* VoLTE* Phone book* PCM* DTMF
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