pe stretch film
"pe stretch film" is listed under
Plastic FilmCategory
We offer the widest range of packaging materials. As one of the important manufacturer, we are able to be competitive in pricing & offer high volumes in shortest possible lead time.We at Clipsico Pack can provide a variety of packaging items for ceramic products, electronics applications, electrical goods, newspapers, medicines, automobiles, glass products, corrugated & plain sheets, hardboard, paper, pipes, bags, bottles, stationary, fruit cartoons, pallet packing, cotton yarn, marine, fish, meat and so many such varied industries.Clipsico Pack offers a range of products. Our product range is: Polypropylene Strap (PP Strap) Manual PP Strap Semi-Automatic PP Strap Automatic PP Strap Polyethylene Stretch Film (PE Stretch Film) Manual Stretch Film Automatic Stretch Film (Power Stretch Film) Solvent Based Tape Strapping Tools & Machines Stretch Wrapping Machines
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