Johnson Water Well Screen used for well drilling
"Johnson Water Well Screen used for well drilling" is listed under
Filters Category
Filter` Water Cap for Water Treatment Staninless Steel Water Cap1.wedge filter, strainer2.material of 304,316 stainless steel,3.high quality, anti-corrosiveness, high strength, min slot is 20 micro meter4.application in water treatment, oilfield ,mining, food industry, chemical industry, papermaking industry, decoration.5.the quality is now almost the best in China, most companies just use our products as the imported goods.6.main customers including companies of the worlds top 500.7.precision and roundness are fairly well.8. filtration rate has three kinds: 1 tons of water, two tons of water, three tons of water.9.We also can supply water caps according to your requirement.
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China guangxing screens Co.,ltd