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China Guangxing Screens Co.,Ltd

Company Summary:

  • Since 1986
  • 31-50 Employees
  • Turnover 7,50,000.00 USD per year
  • Limited Company

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Company Address:

No.2589 west shengli road
China, 053000
Web Page Link: https://www.toboc.com/chinaguangxingscreenscoltd.aspx
D&B D-U-N-S Number: 485698585


Details of Product or Sell Offer

Deep well wire-wrapped sand screen for drinking water

"Deep well wire-wrapped sand screen for drinking water" is listed under  Filters Category

Deep well wire-wrapped sand screen for drinking water info7356@guangxing-screens.comThe pre-packed screen consist of three parts:outer screen, pre-packed gravel,base pipe that is perforated pipe.The perfroated base pipe is covered by v wire wrapped screen,whose diamater is smaller than the outer jacket. Between the two layers of jackets, an annular void is packed with silica sand with the appropriate size. The sand is coated by resin or ceramic beads. The gauge of the jacket wire is determined by the packed sand, while the size of the sand is determined by the formulation particle size distribution. Fature of pipe base screen 1.Every Wire and Rod intersection is welded with consistent weld integrity2.Tight slot control for improved sand retention3.Rigorous Quality Control Inspection4.NACE Compliant for corrosion resistance5.Recessed Weld Rings for run-in damage protection6.Alternate profile wire options for increased flow area and heavy duty applications (HRWP and Frac Pack).7.Options for end and mid joint centeralisers (Spiroliser type or blade)8.Options for Base Pipe Perforation open area.9.Different Metallurgy of Base Pipe available.

Product Detail

Deep well wire-wrapped sand screen for drinking wa
100     USD Per Meter
10     Meter
10   day(s)
10000   Meter Monthly
deep well screen, filter screen, wedge wire scren
#deepwellscreen, #filterscreen, #wedgewirescren

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