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60 Albert Street 12 - 05 Albert ComplexSingaporeSingapore, 189969Web Page Link: https://www.toboc.com/bhutannaturalpteltd.aspx
White Clover Honey ranges from light amber to almost white in color, and tends to crystal`lize very rapidly. Its taste is unique with a gently flavoured aroma.Anti-inflammatory effect, balancing of blood pressure, liver problems, blood sugar, and bad cholesterol. Effective cough remedyPacking detail
Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) flourishes as natural undergrowth of pine trees of Eastern Bhutan. Farmer groups engage in the collection of lemongrass and distill a high-value essential oil.Our Lemongrass oil is certified according to the requirements of the EU for organic wild collection.Always
Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) flourishes as natural undergrowth of pine trees of Eastern Bhutan. Farmer groups engage in the collection of lemongrass and distil a high-value essential oil.Our Lemongrass oil is certified according to the requirements of the EU for organic wild collection.Contains