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8 Yayingshi Road, Luogang District,GuangzhouChina, 510000Web Page Link: https://www.toboc.com/angenbiotechcoltd.aspx
DescriptionMagPure Particle N is Polydisperse silica magnetic beads. It contains different size of beads from 200nm~5um. The core material is iron oxide. So the concentration is higher. It is recomnended for Plasmid DNA extraction, DNA clean up, viral DNA/RNA, and micro amount DNA/RNA extraction. It works excellent on trace amount DNA extraction. But it does not work well on complex DNA extraction such blood and tissue DNA extraction. The DNA may contains beads residual.FeaturesSuitable for Plasmid DNA extraction, DNA clean up, viral DNA/RNA, and micro amount DNA/RNA extraction.Quality Control Test ItemsStandardResultsAppearance (color)BlackCompliesParticles concentration40mg/ml40mg/mlRNase ActivityNone detectablePassSize Distribution=5.0 PercentPassFunctional Assay=60 PercentPassBioburden Pass
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