Hipure Viral DNA Column
"Hipure Viral DNA Column" is listed under
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AG-Viral RNA Mini Column provides for rapid isolation of high-quality viral RNA from a wide range of biological sources. It can be used to successfully isolate viral RNA from cell-free body fluids as well as cellular suspensions at concentrations =1x105cells/ml. The kit has been rigorously tested and used to isolate viral RNA from samples containing enteroviruses, rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, HIV, HCV, influenza A virus, flaviviruses, measles virus, parainfluenza virus and parvovirus (a ssDNA virus). EquipmentMicrocentrifugeSample SourcesPlasma, serum, culture supernatants, animal cells and tissue.RNA PurityHigh-quality RNA suitable for reverse transcription, etc.RNA RecoveryUp to 10 µg RNA can be eluted into as little as 6 µl RNase-free water allowing for a highly concentrated sample.Sample Size=200 & 181lAG-miRNA Mini Column R50071 AG-miRNA Mini Column provides a rapid procedure to isolate small RNAs from tissue and cells using an efficient glass fiber filter (GFF)-based method. The method isolates total RNA ranging in size from kilobases down to 10-mers. Each kit contains sufficient reagents and consumables for either 40 isolations of total RNA (including small RNAs), or 20 separate large and small RNA fractions.Sample Type (General):Bacteria, Cells, Plant Samples, Tissue, Viral Samples, YeastHigh Throughput Compatibility:Not High Throughput-Compatible (Manual)Downstream Application:microRNA AnalysisFinal Product:Total RNA, Transcriptome RNA, micro RNA, siRNA, snRNAIsolation Technology:Organic Extraction, Spin Column (Glass Fiber Filter)Product Line:mirVana™, Ambion™Product Size:40 prepsStarting Material (Amount):Up to 10^
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