SLIDING Conveyor Belts
"SLIDING Conveyor Belts" is listed under
SLIDING Conveyor BeltsFor technical reasons, a rotating supporting roller cannot be installed in certain types of conveyors, therefore, a belt requires a so-called sliding table to operate. Such operation does not allow the bottom surface of the belt to be coated with rubber, as this would increase friction between the base and the belt. SAVA has therefore developed special sliding conveyor belts where friction is decreased to a minimumOther brand we could supply:Dayco beltsMITSUBOSHI beltsPIX BeltsCR BeltsDunlop beltsGoodyear beltsGates micro beltsBANDO BeltsCarlisle BeltsFenner BeltsMEGADYNE BeltsOptibelt BeltsPIX beltsBode Conveyor BeltsDornor ConveyorsDunlop Conveyor BeltsFenner Conveyor BeltsFlexLink conveyor systemsGarlock Heavy Duty Conveyor BeltsGoodyear Conveyor BeltsHabasit Conveyor BeltsIntralox Conveyor BeltsMITSUBOSHI Conveyor BeltsMRF Conveyor BeltingSavatech Conveyor BeltsOther type of belts we could supply:V belts, toothed belt, transmission belt, motor belt pulley, fan belts, steel conveyor belt, industrial belts, polyurethane belt, mine conveyor belt, modular belting, agricultural conveyor belts, flat belt, car belt, wedge belt, serpentine belt, conveyor belts, timing belts, wire conveyor belt, rubber drive belt, rubber belts, ect.
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A&S Conveyor Belts CO.,LTD.